


name(s) : n / ruzz
year : 2005 !!
prns : he / him
lang : esp & eng
prs type : istp
i am S.D. N !!

intereztz !

games : my singing monsters, pizza tower, touhou project, roblox, geometry dash, team fortress 2, portal 2, osu!, muse dash, skullgirls

seriez : inanimate insanity, hfjONE, the nightly manor, don't hug me i'm scared, skibidi toilets, murder drones, houseki no kuni

other : windowz, tech, collecting phonez, old internet, weird aezthetics, riding in scooter

dni: (1) basic dni criteria (2) u get annoyed by my zpelling (3) u pozt nsfw or have a nsfw acc = block, friendz = ok (4) u pozt weird thingz on my irl or kinz (5) u dont rezpekt irlz fictokinz, neoprns, xenos... juzt dont be annoying & evrything is cool ig
byf: (1) i zpell bad in purpoze (2) i mainly zpeak zpanizh (3) don't follow me expecting zomething zpecific .
im moztly found az ruzxz or 904HD evrywhere .. ↺

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9:04 AM